Τετάρτη 15 Απριλίου 2009

4 Steps to get you rolling towards success!!

Dear bloggers my name is Jim.
I have created this blog for all the Internet Marketers who wish to have a constructive analysis and an excellent perspective of Internet Marketing of today. The agenda is as wide as you can possibly think and all issues here are most welcome !!
First of all i will point out that i have not much experience in Internet Marketing but from what i have seen so far its very familiar with offline Marketing. I have recently joined the Wealthy Affiliate university to broaden my knowledge and my horizons. I will try to pinpoint the major keys to internet success as understood until now. This applies both to merchants and affiliates.
1st. You have to find one market and specialize in it. Conduct a thorough research about demand and then apply your Marketing techniques in order to put your strategy in action.
2nd. Try to brake this market in to little pieces so you can have a better understanding of it and put your self in the consumers position to find out what the demand exactly needs . Also perform querys and researches and gather information about competition from many places such us forums, blogs and statistics to establish your products and your services in order to be relevant to customers demands.
3rd. Apply your advertising campaigns with free techniques such as writing articles, blogs, videos and more or paid techniques like PPC ads and link them to your website pages or to the merchants landing pages for instant revenues. Outsourcing is a great idea if you dont have the luxury of time.
4th. You should refine all these steps quite often and repeat 2nd and 3rd step as many times as you can untill you obtain some traffic and convrert it into sales which is the desirable result!!

From now on i am going to try to dig down in each step seperately and explain it in details so we can all have the best knowledge for Internet Marketing and try to give valuable information. Please post me too your valuable knowledge and ideas and also new topics for discussion that interest you.
If you want to improve your marketing techniques as a merchant or as an affiliate visit Apply and earn or learn more about Wealthy Affiliate